Hear me out!

After all, if the stars get ignited –

It follows –  that someone needs this?

It follows –  that somebody wants them to exist?

It follows –  that someone calls these spitlings

                                                               a pearl?

And, exerting themselves

through blizzards of afternoon dust,

are breaking across to god,

afraid, that they’re late,

and crying,

kissing god's veiny hand,

they ask him–

that there should certainly be a star! –

vowing –

to nevermore suffer this starless torture!

Then after –

Walking around tensely anxious,

            But externally calm –  

They are saying to someone:

"So, now you're alright?

No longer scared?


So, then hear me out!

After all, if the stars are ignited

            – It follows – that somebody needs this?

And it follows - that it is required

That every evening

above the rooftops

gets ignited at least one single
