By Daniil Kharms

(Late 1937 - Early 1938)

Our world’s been struck by God’s own wrath.
A glowing day whirlpools with heavenly thunders.
And the coward dares not drink any wine.

The wedding feast falls silent
Beside a crackling bridal chamber door…

Until a ceiling plank collapses… Through the floor.

And lyres blare away with moaning.

The worm-like coward slides into a rocky crack.

The earth starts quaking.
A riptide snaps the numerated rope-line

And battered vessels hop on stormy waves.

A world that celebrates a retribution given unto vice.

And when the coward is awaiting trial,
Their gaze well-hidden from God’s vengeance,
Deep underneath the mountains, with the roots,

At once, a massive burst of moaning

Beats into them from every human soul,

Enmeshing dog wails, piling all-together

From all directions, like an endless heap of trash.

And now the measly coward’s waiting for one final blow,

A doom by fate foretold, and pulled

Across the rushing mess of time and steam…

And so: upon some sweltered day that stifles eyes,

Or maybe under winter cold,

A morbid chill would prickle through our blood.

And no one could withstand a splitting of the heavens.

Nor stand to glance upon such marvels’ cosmic swirls,

Nor linger where the planets’ fiercest glow unfurls.